Re: Patriotism and Citizenship

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Tue Sep 10 2002 - 14:21:05 MDT

> (Dickey, Michael F <>):
> Harvey Newstrom wrote:
>> Until libertarian candidates become more popular and realistic,
>> I see the Democratic party as the lesser of two evils.
> Great post. I concur totally....

Frankly, I find the attitude dangerous and unamerican. A vote isn't
a bet--you don't "lose" if you vote for a candidate that isn't elected.
It's an expression of preference, and you only lose if your real
preference isn't heard. Voting for the lesser of two evils perpetuates
evil, is dishonest, and is part of the cause of American political
cynicism. And refusing to stand up for your real beliefs because they
aren't yet "popular" enough is just cowardly. If you really, honestly
believe that the Libertarian candidate would be the best, you are
morally obligated to express that preference, or else you are morally
complicit in perpetuating the duopoly.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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