Re: Patriotism and Citizenship

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Wed Sep 11 2002 - 12:30:27 MDT

> (Harvey Newstrom <>):
> I guess I wasn't clear enough.
> I consider myself to be a libertarian according to the world's
> smallest political quiz. However, I do not believe in the extremely
> anti-government position of many libertarians to the point of being an
> anarchist. As I listed in my post, I really think centralized
> government control is good for some things I want: schools,
> libraries, roads, regulation of big companies. For my purposes, I
> really prefer what the democrats are promising over what the
> libertarians are promising. Although I consider myself a libertarian,
> my priorities do not match libertarians who want to privatize these
> activities and dismantle the government completely. If we had
> libertarian candidates who focused on the freedoms of both axis
> equally, I would probably vote for them. While they focus on more
> right-wing agendas than left-wing agendas, I really would prefer that
> the democrat candidate win. Although I really do consider myself a
> balanced libertarian, I really am voting for the candidates who I
> would prefer to see win.

Fair enough; there certainly are Libertarian candidates who focus
on things like tax breaks and don't talk much about other things,
though the party has been moving lately to focus more on eliminating
drug laws. And I can certainly understand someone who might have
issues, say, with Harry Browne personally. But it's really hard
for me to swallow that there are any Democratic candidates who
really care about liberty and vote that way. Sure, many of them
talk a good game, just like Republicans talk about free markets
while they vote for tariffs and farm subsidies and corporate
welfare. My impression is that Democrats make nice speeches to
the ACLU and then vote for stiffer drug laws and media controls
and gun laws and 100 other things that truly endanger my freedom.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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