Re: PROCREATION: to what end? (was: ASTRONOMY: Engineered Galaxy?)

From: Brian Phillips (
Date: Sun Sep 08 2002 - 23:00:41 MDT

On Sunday, September 8, 2002, at 11:54 pm, Robert J. Bradbury wrote:

> But you haven't explained *why* any rational individual not
> under the influence sex hormones would want to do this?
> (It seems like a lot of work even if one *is* under the
> influence of sex hormones.)
> I'll note that I believe that the current ExI board is currently
> childless.

Of course! The ability to control our reproduction is one of the
things that makes transhumanists different from previous human

- --
Harvey Newstrom, >>

Right on Harvey. Some of us are waiting till cloning and
some better genetic enhancement comes along.
Besides.. why would I breed without at least a high
five figures a year coming in? I'm assuming early-implimentor
cloning and transhuman reprotech will be approximately
as expensive as multiple applications of IVF is today.
The difference between the right side of the curve and
the left side is patience, prudence, and Timing.
I'm not even forty yet, I have no business trying to be
someone's god for the required 5-10 years of infancy
and toddlerhood etc.

"The word for God is "Mother" on the lips of every child"

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