Re: Where exactly is that Kingdom of God?

From: Brian Phillips (
Date: Sun Sep 08 2002 - 08:33:16 MDT

From: spike66 <>

<<Those of you with religion in your background, I know there
were some bitter experiences, but what about it? Overall,
was it a positive thing in some ways? A mixture? I want to
hear from Eliezer and his ilk (sorry, couldnt resist the ilk
thing) as well as some who may currently hold religious
views. spike>>

  Not sure what you may mean by "religon".
After a long time wandering about I've come to
the conclusion that Theravada Buddhism is
what I'll likely be doing for the long haul.
 1.) Buddha is a good model in many respects.
He presumably knew his own mental landscape
very very well.
  2.) No gods. No conflict with materialistic
rationalism. No obviation of reason requested
or required.
  3.) I can justify all the moral virtues as being
good for my own health. (I.e. practicing
loving-kindness for the sake of my bloodpressure etc.)
Game theory etc.
  4.)Violence against others is not condoned,
which happens to agree nicely with my
anarchist/libertarian politics.
   5.) Two of the signature tools of Buddhism,
Vipassana from the Theravada (for the
inner culture) and luohanquan and baguazhang
(from the Chinese Mayahana ) are parts of my
life that predated my decison to "seek refuge"
and with work will become more prominent parts
of my life.
  Neither of these tools required a "conversion"..
just try-and-see practice. And they work.
That's the litmus test.
  Does it work?
  I don't *believe* anything.. I just observe
and act accordingly.(ideally anyway lol)


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