Re: Reparations and Re: War on Business

Date: Sun Sep 08 2002 - 15:54:32 MDT

In a message dated 9/8/2002 4:27:42 PM Central Standard Time, writes: So, the next time you hear the term "personal
responsibility", run it through the "bullshit translator" and hear the true
meaning: "Screw you, it's mine, any way I can get away with it, for as long
as I can get away with it."

Okay Jeff, please send the deed to your home to the nearest Indian tribe.
There isn't much chance that the land was originally obtained legally. As to
your car that was made in a plant built on Indian land and from iron ore
mined on indian land. After that let us look at the house your parents live
in and the one the parents of your beloved.
       My point is that if you wish to go dig up every ancient injustice and
settle it you have a job that will last to dooms day. But, if you notice the
Indians rarely make the claims you believe the rest of us should assume
liability for.
Ron h.

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