Re: Patriotism and Citizenship

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Thu Sep 05 2002 - 10:01:30 MDT

>From: Amara Graps <>

>There are many "acts of love":

>- where you earn alot or little or nothing, are funded by
>government taxes or not, are protected by a country's Constitution
>or not, are in great danger or not, lost friends or family or not.

>Sometimes it seems like one sacrifices alot for that "act of
>love", but if that action was one's own choice, then when one has
>time to reflect on it, the result is simply that one learned
>valuable things for one's own life, not that someone 'owes' you or
>should 'respect' you or that you should have 'special privileges'
>because of your own choice. (No matter how committed you were at
>the time of that decision.)

I neither think that anyone owes me, has to respect me, or that I
should have special privileges.

I always do what I do for my own reasons, and don't expect anything
in return.

The whole point of this was that every citizen of the U.S. has
rights that were earned by merely a few, for all, and that a
society that doesn't simply give away something so valuable might
be an improvement.

Most peoples path is like this: Citizen
Some of us look like this: Citizen, Soldier, Veteran

A citizen and a veteran dwell in the same country, and have the
same rights, but they are not the same.


Extropy Institute,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
SBC/Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W

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