Re: Patriotism and Citizenship

Date: Thu Sep 05 2002 - 12:01:48 MDT

In a message dated 9/5/02 9:40:28, writes:

> Was your figures based on a 40 hour week? If you figure the actual
>hours worked you find out the $/hour number is lower than flipping burgers.

2000 hours worked/year * $5/hour = $10K. Like I said, is the military cash
payment really so low?

> I ended up with some of those great benefits (my characterization)
>referred to. But remember there are only about 4% of us that really go for
>that life.

Sure. That's certainly enough for the US at present.

>The military paid us exactly what they had to pay to get the
>numbers of us that they needed. I should have said your elected
>representatives thought they needed.

They were right, more or less - they got an adequate # of enlistees for the
> I used those benefits to my advantage and still do. I am not

And why should you be? You performed a service; you earned those
benefits. In *no way* do I claim that military service is anything
other than an essential service. As an anarchocapitalist, I don't think
government's the best way to provide the service, but alternatives
would be more or less equivalent.

(Although I note that sometimes "veteran's benefits" gets used as a cover
for pork barrel spending not of much benefit to veterans.)

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