Re: Quantum tunneling and human immortality

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Wed Sep 04 2002 - 20:04:50 MDT

On Wed, 4 Sep 2002, Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:

> I think the word you may be looking for is "amortal".

A quick google lists various meanings for "a-"
1) separate, apart from, away from
2) not, un-, -less

I think (correct me if I'm stretching) the definition that
Eliezer is seeking would be "un-mortal". I.e. seeking a
system in which "mortal" concerns are irrelevant.

I'd then spin this such that we need two words:
1) A word describing indefinite survival in a more global
   environment than that constrained by our current best
   approximation of this universe. (Perhaps amortal or
2) A very very very long life within this potentially
   limited universe constrained by current (unchanging?)
   physical laws. (To my mind "longevity constrained
   by physical laws".)

I think these are two distinct cases and it would be helpful
if we could distinguish between them so we can simply
classify people in Camp 1 or 2 instead of trying to
twist their perspectives to match our camp.

Of course there may be additionsl camps I haven't thought of...


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