GARDENS: Re: Sprinkler Systems

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Wed Aug 28 2002 - 07:57:50 MDT

>From: "" <>

>Does anyone have experience setting up a sprinkler system in your
>yard? If so, what might I watch out for when contracting with a
>company to set up the sprinkler system? Is it a job that is
>better achieved with a company, or is it something that a
>homeowner can do?

>I'm expecting to get a reply from Barbara Lamar (one of my exotic
>wildflower gurus), or Greg Burch who is known for his green thumb
>(and Lemurs).

>Comment form anyone who has had even the wee bit of experience
>would be much appreciated.

I would suggest reading Chapter 11 "Aqueous Solutions" in the book
"Natural Capitalism" before proceeding.


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