RE: GARDENS: Sprinker Systems

From: Greg Burch (
Date: Wed Aug 28 2002 - 07:26:53 MDT

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 6:53 PM
> Does anyone have experience setting up a sprinkler system in
> your yard? If so, what might I watch out for when
> contracting with a company to set up the sprinkler system?
> Is it a job that is better achieved with a company, or is it
> something that a homeowner can do?
> I'm expecting to get a reply from Barbara Lamar (one of my
> exotic wildflower gurus), or Greg Burch who is known for his
> green thumb (and Lemurs).

I can't help out here because, despite the fact 1) that I'm an
inveterate technophile and 2) we had an uncharacteristically dry summer
here last year, I wasn't ever tempted to automate the watering process.
Watering my plants is a kind of therapy for me, and the habitual action
provides a structured framework for enjoying and keeping up on their
progress. I know this is so because this year, even having had a
wetter-than-normal summer, my garden is actually in worse shape now than
it was at this time last year, because I haven't HAD to pay as much
attention to it on a regular basis (and I've been busier with
work-work). (Our water bill is only about 10% of what it was last year
-- a good sign of how different the climate has been in this El Nino
year.) Fortunately, the tropical plants that dominate our garden pretty
much take care of themselves so long as I give the soil a good
recharging in the early Spring and spend 20 hours or so cleaning them up
in late March to early April.

Greg Burch
Vice-President, Extropy Institute

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