Re:extropians, what about democracy ?

From: nano-brain (
Date: Sat Aug 24 2002 - 04:38:09 MDT

for those interested by the topic, a similar exchange can be found in
part of the global brain at:
under the thread "symbiotic intelligence and politics".

the Xchange appears difficult when it tries to deal with detailed & concrete
aspects of collective intelligence:
more knowledge about heuristics from the AI & collective intelligence is
needed. Nuances between mere collective intelligence & AI are outlined: just
highly sophisticated polling system or creation of new ideas & new concepts
accelerated maturation of existing ones ? does it mean independant inference
& learning capabilities ? (strong version of collective intelligence). Who
will truely decide ? its assumed benevolence is also questionned. A
contributor tries to figure out undecidable situation or blockage scenarii
for the collective intelligence, or conflicts between *common sense* & the
assumed rationality of the strong collective intelligence.

link with "Demarchy's promises" on this list (direct democracy)


This message was posted by nano-brain to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI

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