Re: irradiate your way to a longer life

From: Joao Magalhaes (
Date: Sat Aug 24 2002 - 13:45:24 MDT

There are studies in mice and flies showing the same phenomena. Mice
exposed to small doses of ionizing radiation actually live more than
controls -- though I think they use sterile mice for the experiment. This
was done decades ago. The best explanation I know is hormesis. Hormesis is
the name given to the stimulatory effects caused by low levels of
potentially toxic agents. Basically, if you stress an organism -- with, for
example, radiation -- it will stimulate its defences and it will thus be
stronger afterwards. Check the works by Suresh Rattan in Medline if you
want to know more.

At 10:12 24-08-2002 -0700, you wrote:
>This seems pretty counter-intuitive. Anyone care to advance some armchair

Joao Magalhaes (

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