extropians, what about democracy ?

From: nano-brain (OooJeffbaureooo@aol.com)
Date: Wed Aug 21 2002 - 06:18:10 MDT

The combined knowledges contributing here is a jewel:

artificial intelligence & cognitive sciences, artificial life & complexity
sciences, evolutionary computation, learning systems that deliver expertize
artificial assistants for diagnosis & interpretation, etc...

you do believe that science & technology will engineer an improved human ? I
do, in many ways.

But how do you think these trans-humans will organize collectivelly ?

Are you satisfied with a rare, unique, quasi-binary vote to express your
preferences for collective destiny ? i am not.

Don't you think treasures of responsability, goodwill & expertize are merely
ignored by our representative democracies ? I do.

Do you think our political organizations generate enought understanding &
anticipation to cope with the complexity of our world ? I don't.

Do you think our organization and its decisionnal chains are sufficiently
immune from private, corporate or individual interests ? I don't.

Progressive groups often mention direct democracy & the prospects of a
communication sphere. But what about real team-work, collaborative
collective intelligence ?

AI decribes how the creation of collective mental maps (or CMMs, superposed
to the web) could be spaces for collaborative intelligence. I'm not a
specialist, by far, but buzzing over the net, it seemed to me that AI has
explored many heuristics that could inspire us to make the most of us, as
individuals, sure, but more clearly as a collective
These are technological visions: you need a computer & internet access to
exist as a citizen, or a cellular phone, and raises many questions

Collective intelligence seems to manifest through interactions or the
expression of political preferences & a positive feedback of some sort. Can
you figure out a new way to collect all our political preferences or even
create new ones at need ?

What about a game ?

a huge network advanced *strategy* game, maybe a future version of the
"Civilization" game ? This could be a fun way to implement a CMM.

A successfull network/web game could implement a flexible & learnable
intelligence instructed via the game play (~vote), human conversations, web
ressources, any available quantitative data, news & events,...

It would understand human language, could run remote computer models made
available by reseachers or individuals but would have its own modelling &
computing capabilities.

It could maintain a wide & precise collective mental map and help to build
new political consensusses though preserving conceptual/idological freedom &

It would have a trick to detect manifestations of disguised coalition of

It could foresee futures and their probability of occurrence. It could
anticipate problems or crisis, seeing them as germs or potentialities. It
could also foresee the impact of political measures before real
implementation. A great tool for collective planification, organization, and
problem solving.

We would *vote* at ideas' level by contributing to a game. Not for a whole
political package or a human contender.

Not by playing against each other, but each learning to contribute to our
to collective interests, in complex & changing times.

It would be a gentle political wizard, driven by collective preferences &
finding in individuals goodwilling relays in real-world.

Is that a non-sensical dream ?

please share your views.


This message was posted by nano-brain to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI

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