Re: Oops (was: Re: 'Human' Revolution Begins,so says Variety)

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Fri Aug 23 2002 - 06:50:00 MDT

At 02:52 AM 8/23/02 EDT, Mitch wrote with a funny gait:

><<There's an sf novel by me and Rory Barnes in the pipeline right now, but
>publishers are not showing much interest.

>Stupid fuckers that they are. Any luck with Yank publishers? Or are the
Yanks amongst the stupid?

The Yanks *are* the stupid, alas. I try not to sell anything direct to Oz
publishers these days, the market's too restricted. (THE SPIKE and LAST
MORTAL GENERATION were exceptions, because the editor was a pal who
commissioned them at a time no US publisher wanted to know.)


>Perhaps, The Polymaths?

Not really, because I'm talking about the (aspired-to) condition rather
than individuals--unless we go with the first possibility, which would
emphasize a certain autobiographical element, with self-mocking irony
built-in (which nobody will notice, I fear).

Damien Broderick

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