Re: Liberty vs. Utopia

Date: Fri Aug 23 2002 - 06:26:49 MDT

In a message dated 8/23/2002 12:04:30 AM Central Standard Time, writes: I'm reading a book which seems to support this
opinion. Written by a former National Organization of Women leader, this
book's title is "The New Thought Police, Inside the Left's assault on Free
Speech and Free Minds". Author name is Tammy Bruce. Saw her on a late night
talk channel. She describes herself as a liberal, but has a lot of points to
make on the motivations and tactics of the current Left's leading

Yes, there is also Heaven on Earth a history of socialism since the early
French days. In addition there have been several other books on the same
theme lately. The amazing thing is how transparent those good folks are.
Thanks for adding one to my list.
       Very often there isn't even any coordination between groups much less
a conspiracy -- just a bunch of folks that are convinced you and I would be
better off if they ran our lives.
Ron h.

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