Re: Oops (was: Re: 'Human' Revolution Begins,so says Variety)

Date: Fri Aug 23 2002 - 00:52:27 MDT

D. Broderick observed:
<<At 01:35 AM 8/23/02 EDT, Spudboy wrote in a curious font that's very hard
to quote:
>D. Broderick noted..>>

I write is a curious font, and I walks with a funny gait. Throws off the
space demons, it does, har!

<<There's an sf novel by me and Rory Barnes in the pipeline right now, but
publishers are not showing much interest. Beats me, I think it's
delightful. (But then I would.) >>

Stupid fuckers that they are. Any luck with Yank publishers? Or are the Yanks
amongst the stupid?

<<PMS should be going to the agent in the
next couple of months. Meanwhile, Rory and I have started a comic *noir*
crime novel called (and this won't mean anything to non-Aussies, but might
get a laugh from those in the Preferred Homeland): I SUPPOSE A ROOT'S OUT

Inside humor defines who we iz. Good to hear about PMS and the later work. I
purchased my first edition of The Spike directly from Australia because it
t'weren't available in the States.

<<Oh, and a book of essays on the new Enlightenment possibly to be titled
Damien Broderick>>

Excellent. Perhaps, The Polymaths?

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