Re: And What if Manhattan IS Nuked?

From: Hubert Mania (
Date: Wed Aug 21 2002 - 11:32:01 MDT

Harvey Newstrom said:

> It took many years of serious study in an
> area to realize how much one didn't know. Reading mailing lists on the
> internet, magazine articles and watching interviews on TV is about the
> lowest form of education there is. How do we know what we don't know?

The expert: knows everything about nothing.
The "generalist": knows nothing about everything.

So, how can we ever avoid being an expert or a generalist? Given the
contemporary progress of knowledge and given the momentary human brain
capacity, no matter how poorly we study or how
ambitiously and seriously we try, we will always be
expert-generalists. There is no solution. It will remain a paradox.

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