Re: And What if Manhattan IS Nuked?

Date: Sat Aug 17 2002 - 00:08:03 MDT

D. Broderick asked:
<<Were found to be', eh. By whom? Who gets told about this, and what kind of
evidence would be regarded as compelling? And what is a `Muslim nation' to
make such decisions? And why do the millions of humans in such `Muslim
nations' deserve to be volatilized because of the (purported) decisions of
an elite group of crazed murderers?>>

Perhaps because hundreds of millions support and take part enthusiastically
in support of crazed murderers. Read "Hitler's Willing Executioners" by
Goldhagen, or any of the fine historical examinations of the murders of the
Communist regimes too!

<<Reason, outrage and sarcasm fail me. What list is this again? The rabid
`Trust your government and its departments to tell you the whole truth,
this is America One Nation Under God after all' list?>>

I would say that as someone who voted for Al Gore (nary a chad near me) I do
not trust my government as such, because it is principly filled with
self-serving careerists. This explains a lot about how the US is run and
human nature in general.
The catch is I trust them a heck of a lot more then I trust what comes out of
Wahabbi or Shia mouths. It's like WW2 in the sense that although as moral
actors in the world
America bites the big one; all others, especially our Jihaddis friends, are
enormously worse.

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