Re: And What if Manhattan IS Nuked?

Date: Fri Aug 16 2002 - 23:41:59 MDT

Lee stated:
<<As Brian pointed out to me offlist, in an aside in a response
to a question I asked, it seems funny that no one commented on
what should be done, but only what *not* to do (i.e., we all
agree that it would be a bad idea and quite wrong to nuke Mecca
in return).>>
<<The Muslim nations of the world have agreed in secret to unite and
declare a Jihad against the U.S. and other western nations. In order
to keep this a secret they continue to fund and support terrorist
groups while publicly denying everything.>>

The thing to would be to nuke Mecca and Medina and Qum in Iran. This would
cause the Jihaddis to then believe that Allah was not on their side. The
psychological blow to the Jihaddi's would be incalculable.

<<P.S. Personally, I'm more interested in this scenario: all
that is known is that the Al Qaeda organization intends to
destroy some American city on a certain date, and on that
date---despite the West's best efforts---Manhattan goes up.
What (from one's limited knowledge and experience) would
one recommend that the U.S. government do?>>

The thing to do in this sitution would be even more dramatic then destroying
Mecca. Medina, and Qum. This would be to use Nukes against Saudi and Iranian
oil fields, thus bringing the industrial world to a crashing halt. This would
do 3 things.

1. Cause a massive world recession
-but since an American city is now gone, this recession is immediately

2. This strike against oil fields would:
    (a) Tell the smug people of the world that the Americans are emphatically
         taking it anymore. Despite their beliefs that we deserve it.

    (b) Cause the Muslim world to now believe that we are freaking crazy for
         destroying "our" oil supply. It would also put China on notice about
the US's

     (c) It would force the people of the world to consider the need to
actually develop
          alternate fuels, or at least, alternate petroleum sources.

3. Finally, It would deprive the sheiks, the mullahs, the ayatollah's of
their ability to
     finance their Jihads

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