Re: And What if Manhattan IS Nuked?

Date: Sat Aug 17 2002 - 01:42:56 MDT

Harvey Newstrom stated:
<<This is the stupidest thing I have seen in a long time. You guys
posting this crap about nuking the planet are going to end up killing us
all. Not directly by anyone implementing your insane plans. No one in
their right mind would believe your lunatic ramblings>>

Sounds like you would rather switch then fight, Harvey? To quote an ancient
cigarette commercial.

<<No, what you are doing is destroying the transhumanist movement from the
inside. Just as a few violent muslim articles get quoted as being
representative of the entire muslim world, your rantings will be quoted as
representatitive of the transhumanist movement. The are all in the archive.
They get served up by Google. They don't contain any smileys or hint that
they aren't serious proposals. People read this stuff and think that we are
pushing this agenda to destroy the plan to bring out some post-apocalyptic
cyberpunk future a la Mad Max.>>

Harvey, most people don't appear to buy into the transhumanist way of
thinking anyway, for a variety of reasons; least of all a few people's
opinions on the way the majority of the Arab Muslim world, seem to view the
USA. But I shan't go too far off-topic, now.

<<Is this what you want? Is this another "thought experiment", to see if
you can destroy our movement from the inside? I don't appreciate you
filling our archives with this violent destroy-the-world garbage. This
is about as far from the Extropian Principles as you can get.

Face it, folks. We have nothing to fear from terrorists or Luddites.
The worst damage done to our movement come from this kind of internal

Destroy the Movement? (shades of the movie REDS) This sounds too much like
conformity, for my taste. You are just resisting the ugly reality of what a
political-social culture, financed by oil, and succored by religious
fanaticsm has done to the world. This is a normal psychological reaction to
change; and change is not always a good thing. The question put forth by this
thread is a realistic one in my opinion, and if a US city disappears under a
Jihaddi nuke cloud, there will have to be an answer. Handing out band-aids to
the survivors is not going to cut it.

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