Re: globalization of fear

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Wed Aug 14 2002 - 17:54:13 MDT

--- John K Clark <> wrote:
> "Samantha Atkins" <> Wrote:
> > So, do you think it would have been fine and dandy to have
> crack
> > Soviet troops doing covert ops in the US during the cold war?
> What do you think?

Apparently Samantha is of the mistaken opinion that soviet troops
WERENT in the US doing covert ops during the cold war.

> > How about top Chinese forces doing the same in say Israel?
> I specifically said in my last post that the desirability or lack
> thereof of
> covert actions would "depend on the specifics"; in the present day a
> Chinese
> adventure of the type you describe would end in fiasco. Fortunately
> China
> well know that and that is the only reason they don't do it.

Of course, occasionally, they need to be reminded of this. For example,
the 'accidental' bombing of the chinese embassy in Belgrade was such a
reminder, given that China was supplying up to the minute spy
satellite, local tactical ELINT, SIGINT, etc for the Serb forces during
the Kosovo campaign. There was an interesting story, a small tidbit,
released on the day of the embassy bombing that stated that the Chinese
embassy was the largest source of radio signals in all of Serbia during
that campaign, which is probably one reason it was 'mistaken' as a Serb
intelligence facility, because for all intents and purposes, it was, in
fact, operating as a Serb intelligence facility.

Samantha is operating with a rather uninformed conception of how
international relations truly operates. Perhaps Harvey has a better
idea, given his past employers, among others on the list. The US
operates absolutely NO DIFFERENTLY than any other major country. We are
just far more leaky about it, and are the only ones with a truly free
press, so our bad behavior is the only one that regularly leaks to the
world, though it is no different from the rest of the kids on the block.

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