Re: Questions about protocol: (was: As war with Iraq seems to be more on the agenda...)

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon Aug 12 2002 - 14:49:32 MDT

Mike Lorrey wrote:
> --- Samantha Atkins <> wrote:
>>Mike Lorrey wrote:
>>>Since Samantha has been ranting and repeating the "blame America
>>>mantra since the very eve of 9/11 (and long before that date as
>>>among others on the list, I believe that my statement is a rather
>>>factual, if generalized, representation of the consequences of her
>>>stance, though it might not actually represent her concious intent.
>>Actually, that is and has been your inadequate interpretation of
>>my position for nearly a year now. I don't seem able to
>>dissuate you of it or to stop assuming your interpretation is
>>the truth and a basis for throwing e-stones at me whenever you
>>feel like it. Your statement is not the least factual. I have
>>no intent of surrendering to the Moslem world. Just because I
>>pointed out that there are legit issues much of the Arab world
>>has with our behavior that give rise to a lot of anger in no way
>>legitimizes events like 9/11 or gives any basis to the rest of
>>your insulting interpretation. Until you drop this egregiously
>>immature behavior I will have a very difficult time taking you

        You are missing the point. The point is, despite many fine
things you often have to say I find it very objectionable that
you take potshots at me over your view of some opinions of mine
you believe are highly objectionable and apprently believe so
taint much else I have to say that you feel it necessary to cast
aspersions at the drop of a hat. This is unacceptable.
Apparently we both have enough respect for at least some of what
the other has to say to continue to read each other's messages
so it isn't a complete wash. I am asking that you stop
lambasting me. Will you do that or not? No argument about who
is right or wrong about this or that addresses that fundamental

> There are legitimate issues that the western world has with the Moslem
> world, but we don't initiate mass violence and murder against innocent

Very questionable but utterly beside the primary point so I
won't get into it at this time.

- samantha

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