Re: silicon vs human chess again

From: Alejandro Dubrovsky (
Date: Fri Aug 09 2002 - 01:08:42 MDT

On Fri, 2002-08-09 at 14:05, spike66 wrote:
> For those of you still watching, you may recall last fall was scheduled
> a chess match between the top human player and a computer, this time
> on an ordinary workstation with commercially available software. The
> match was postponed because of the WTC attack. The match is back
> on now, still in Bahrain, set to begin 2 October.
> Those in the know say this workstation/Fritz7 combination is stronger
> than IBM's Deep Blue, but Kramnik is much stronger at anti-silicon
> play than Kasparov was even in his prime.
and at the same time, kasparov will be playing deep junior, winner of
this year's wccc (their self-titled, but not highly respected IMO, world
computer chess championship). btw, 'those in the know' say different
things depending on who you thing 'those' are. eg Bob Hyatt, computer
programmer for the last 15 years (at least), creator of crafty, and cray
blitz (chess program champion during until around '93), and probably the
most knowledgeable unbiased observer in this case, says there's no way
that fritz is as strong as deep blue. (and i agree. i mean, deep blue
regularly did 17-ply depth searches. before quiescense search. that's

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