RE: Investment Suggestions?

From: Colin Hales (
Date: Fri Aug 09 2002 - 01:15:59 MDT


>Colin Hales wrote:
>>Samantha Atkins
>>...Trillions of dollars of investment income, the very stuff essential to
        beginning and growing new businesses and the accumulated savings of the
        have been blown away...

>I wonder about this sometimes. Exactly what has been 'blown away'?Take a
look around you. Trees, flowers, cars, houses,'s all still
there. What's gone is a pile of 'notional value' - the rights to things as
yet not done. 0s and 1s in a computer memory. All we have to do is 'believe'
them back into existence.....this is what the herds of bulls and bears are
doing, bouncing from hangover to rumour to inuendo to weather report. colin

A short and stunningly insightful comment by Hales. May I print it
and hang it on the wall of my office? Colin, you get my wholehearted
nomination for post of the month. spike

p.s. Anders should get webpage of the month for his list sociograms. {8-]

Spike, you may hang it wherever! It is bequeathed to all with pleasure. A
statistical aberration, surely...normal programming will resume shortly.
BTW - Curt -  I'm not denying the existence of a raft of consequential
damages...they are as real as real can get... it's the layer under it that's
driving it all that seems a little weird to me. I suppose, being an engineer
I'm a bit hung up on 'real stuff' (whatever that is). What's the saying? -
"Trying to have your picture taken standing next to a pile of brand equity
doesn't work". The equity market is like an auction room for Sorites
Paradoxes. How big do you think that pile of wheat is? (or in Futures..might
be).......bids, anyone?

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