Re: silicon vs human chess again

From: Edwin Evans (
Date: Sat Aug 10 2002 - 19:58:53 MDT

Kasparov vs. Deep Junior Oct. 1 in Jerusalem.
Kramnik vs. Deep Fritz7 Oct 2. in Bahrain

I think both programs are standard, off-the-shelf software. So the
humans must have a good idea going in whether they will win. And
in this case, it seems likely that the humans will win.

Computer chess playing ability has stayed around human level for
many many years. I hope people don't interpret this to mean that
we will get to spend years living with a near human general AI.
At the risk of stating the obvious, Moore's law speeding up
minimax searching is not at all the same as general intelligence
improving itself.

(who can occasionally checkmate his Palm Pilot)

> ordinary workstation with commercially available software. The
> match was postponed because of the WTC attack. The match is back
> on now, still in Bahrain, set to begin 2 October.
> Those in the know say this workstation/Fritz7 combination is stronger
> than IBM's Deep Blue, but Kramnik is much stronger at anti-silicon
> play than Kasparov was even in his prime.
> spike

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