Re: Man Criticizes Government, News at 11

From: spike66 (
Date: Thu Aug 01 2002 - 00:09:52 MDT wrote:

> We should criticize our government, and guard against a new
> dictatorship; but lets not martyr the American people on the alter of
> of protecting the rights of Jihaddis who dwell here.

Roger that. It is not the government that takes away our
freedom, it is the murderous fanatics. The bin Ladens,
McVeys, Kaczynskis, the Taliban are the ones to blame.

Furthermore, it is not just the American people. It is
also the Jews, and after them, the fanatics will next
attack the Brits, the Aussies, the northern Europeans,
pretty much anyone who bring change in the future and
are doing well. The militants are trying to preserve barbaric
cultures that are mercifully going extinct. They will attempt
to slay anyone who they perceive to represent modern
times. Those who do these terrorist acts are the ones
who deserve utter contempt, not the governments who
fight them. spike


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