Re: Man Criticizes Government, News at 11

Date: Wed Jul 31 2002 - 23:16:14 MDT

Hal Finney Observed:

<<According to this article, Ujaama was not arrested because of his
criticism of the U.S. Rather, he is being held on a material witness
warrant as part of an investigation into the Dar-us-Salaam mosque in
Seattle, which he and his brother attended. This mosque is being
investigated as a front for terrorist activity. The grand jury
investigation is secret and that is why no information is being made

Moreover, there were allegedly maps and diagrams of water treatment plants in
Ujama's apartment. Ujaama is not known to be studying as a environmental
engineer or technician. If this allegation proves not to be govt propaganda,
then Ujaama was assisting with or targeting water treatment plants for an

We should criticize our government, and guard against a new dictatorship; but
lets not martyr the American people on the alter of of protecting the rights
of Jihaddis who dwell here.

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