Re: ECO: Saying Nay to the Doomsayers

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Mon Jul 29 2002 - 13:33:58 MDT

--- Alfio Puglisi <> wrote:

> Articles supporting solar energy:
> Articles supporting wind energy:
> Didn't find something about the other power sources
> you mention, I should
> look harder.
> I don't agree with everything that Greenpeace says,
> but making false
> statements doesn't help your case.

You are right. Unfortunately, it is Greenpeace making
the false statements. They claim they are for certain
technologies, yet when it comes down to the crunch, to
build or not to build, in certain locations, locals
with NIMBY attitudes always seem to recruit
Greenpeace's support to fight against that particular
installation. They always have good excuses, about
some rare plant or animal, etc, which they contend
will be negatively impacted by the installation. THe
problem is that they do this to most installations.

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