Re: Citizen Spies

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon Jul 15 2002 - 18:00:15 MDT wrote:
> Samantha said:
> <<You would rather simply accept having your fellow citizen's be
> spies on you? Why? Follow the links. The program is for real
> and is atrocious regardless of what your feelings may or may not
> be for Europeans or for Amnesty International. When they haul
> your ass off to the American gulag, Amnesty may be a group you
> hope is till in business.>>
> No, I merely mistrust the source of the allegations that 1 out of 24
> Americans will successfully be turned into spies similar to what went on
> in the Soviet Union and East Germany. I quoted what the Sidney Tagblatt
> wrote themselves about Herr Goldstein's, and have become suspicious that
> this fellow is merely a shit-stirrer, rather then an uncoverer of a
> dangerous anti-democratic trend.

Ah. Well, the TIPS program is quite real and is slated to run a
pilot with 1 million citizen volunteers beginning in August.
Whether it will be successful or not in acheiving those
questions and how abusive it will be are good questions. Given
the broad reaction to 9/11 I have no doubt they will be able to
find and field 1 million volunteers if the program doesn't have
its plug pulled. Whether then can get 10x that number or more
is more questionable. A lot depends on the mood of the country
and what people come to consider prudent as the country possibly
becomes more involved in a witch hunt.

- samantha

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