Re: Citizen Spies

Date: Mon Jul 15 2002 - 06:16:13 MDT

Samantha said:
<<You would rather simply accept having your fellow citizen's be
spies on you? Why? Follow the links. The program is for real
and is atrocious regardless of what your feelings may or may not
be for Europeans or for Amnesty International. When they haul
your ass off to the American gulag, Amnesty may be a group you
hope is till in business.>>

No, I merely mistrust the source of the allegations that 1 out of 24
Americans will successfully be turned into spies similar to what went on in
the Soviet Union and East Germany. I quoted what the Sidney Tagblatt wrote
themselves about Herr Goldstein's, and have become suspicious that this
fellow is merely a shit-stirrer, rather then an uncoverer of a dangerous
anti-democratic trend.

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