Re: Citizen Spies

From: Amara Graps (
Date: Mon Jul 15 2002 - 07:15:42 MDT
>I quoted what the Sidney Tagblatt wrote themselves about Herr
>Goldstein's, and have become suspicious that this fellow is merely a
>shit-stirrer, rather then an uncoverer of a dangerous anti-democratic

Living in exile (he sought asylum in Sweden) would be a big scam on his
part. I would guess a large scam like that is doable, but it seems to
me that a person could be a shit-stirrer without leaving the US under
less-than-ideal circumstances and causing an uproar and then
international support. Note that he left the US because he said that he
was under threat for his life from Connecticut police departments while
he was investigating police brutality.

It's worth it to find out the truth, don't you think?


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