Re: news spin on cryonics

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sat Jul 13 2002 - 21:48:43 MDT

Max More wrote:
> At 03:31 PM 7/13/2002 -0400, Harvey wrote:
>> Agreed! In front of me I have a Linux server, a Windows laptop, and
>> an i-Mac. I see a Windows crash every few days. I used to see a
>> Macintosh crash every few weeks or months, but have not seen once
>> since upgrading to MacOS X last year. My Linux system has never
>> crashed and goes a year or more without me rebooting it.
> You didn't say what version of Windows you are using. Since I upgraded
> to XP, I rarely see a crash. It's clearly a massive improvement in
> stability, and without having high switching and learning costs.
> Max

Oh my god! Max! Do you realize you have just let every Redmond
control-freak and spy into your computer space? Why have you
sold out to MicroSerf land? :-) Joking aside, Microsoft is
dedicated to controlling the entire computer space as much as
possible and they could care less how much real computing power
the people (include us) have as long as their billions keeping
flowing in. I would think very seriously about what you are
supporting when you voluntarily buy and use MS, especially XP
and follow-on systems.

- samantha

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