Re: Perhaps the Most Totally Evil Film Ever Made - Airing tonight on prime ti...

Date: Sat Jul 13 2002 - 21:31:35 MDT

<<It's a great work of art, though. One of the best films of all time --
even if, like me, you disagree with the message.


Dan >>

Its a good work of art Dan. Nothing to be compared to that other agit-prop
film, Alexander Nevsky, with music by Prokoviev, directed by Eisenstein. That
was top-notch work, real art, whereas Reifenstahl basically was a one-trick
pony. That trick being, "look how the regiments adore their great leader!"
Big crowd regimented, great leader, and the shots-thats it. Good
cinematography though.

Now, that 9-11 happended, I have descended from the high moral standing
elicited by Voltaire's statement; "I may disagree with what you say, but will
defend to the death, your right to say it." Naw, I can take disagreement,
but if someone intends me harm...

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