Re: news spin on cryonics

From: Mark Walker (
Date: Sat Jul 13 2002 - 16:34:10 MDT

----- Original Message -----
From: "Harvey Newstrom" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2002 3:31 PM
> Not at all. I was merely wondering how much resources we should expend
> on PR. I think mainstream science is already working on the stuff we
> want. I think mainstream product producers are already trying to figure
> out what to do with it. It is not like the industry will stand still
> due to lack of interest. So if the exponential growth curve is already
> occurring at an unstoppable rate, how much more PR do we need? Maybe we
> can redirect our efforts toward our own little projects instead, and
> will be ready when the technology arrives or gains acceptance.

I thought the point of PR was not to get acceptance of the technology, which
as you say may come in any event, but to make sure the right people do the
right things with technology. That is, it seems there are lots of potential
futures, the point of PR I thought was to help make sure we land in one of
the good futures. Perhaps I am missing your point. Are you saying that such
efforts are in vain? That it is reasonable to believe that we will have no
influence on the outcome.

Mark Walker

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