Re: the strange evolution of junk mail

From: outlawpoet - (
Date: Sat Jul 13 2002 - 16:23:51 MDT

--- "Reason" <> wrote:
>So why do I get the really strange solicitations? This turned up in my
>in-box a little while ago...anyone else received something similar recently?

and you know what's REALLY wierd? when you search for the whole list of terms on google, the biggest result is all the mirrors of the Anarchist FAQ.

hmm, I don't think I have the patience to sift through all this. Is this simply an attempt to sidetrack me? I think this is a blatant stab at some peoples irrational desire to be special, and an attempt to exploit them into upping the pagehits at search engines.

Or I could be a fake, and distracting you from your true calling...

<creepy music>

Justin Corwin

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