Re: the strange evolution of junk mail

From: Chuck Kuecker (
Date: Sat Jul 13 2002 - 17:25:58 MDT

I got one of those a month ago. Someone with a bit too much free time.

Chuck Kuecker

At 03:23 PM 7/13/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>--- "Reason" <> wrote:
> >So why do I get the really strange solicitations? This turned up in my
> >in-box a little while ago...anyone else received something similar recently?
>and you know what's REALLY wierd? when you search for the whole list of
>terms on google, the biggest result is all the mirrors of the Anarchist FAQ.
>hmm, I don't think I have the patience to sift through all this. Is this
>simply an attempt to sidetrack me? I think this is a blatant stab at some
>peoples irrational desire to be special, and an attempt to exploit them
>into upping the pagehits at search engines.
>Or I could be a fake, and distracting you from your true calling...
><creepy music>
>Justin Corwin

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