Fwd: Self-doomed to failure

From: Michael M. Butler (butler@comp-lib.org)
Date: Sat Jul 13 2002 - 01:40:23 MDT

 Jul 4th 2002
>>From The Economist print edition


  An unsparing new report by Arab scholars explains why their region lags
  behind so much of the world....

  Across dinner tables from Morocco to the Gulf, but above all in Egypt, the
  Arab world's natural leader, Arab intellectuals endlessly ask one another
  how and why things came to turn out in this unnecessarily bad way. A team of
  such scholars (it is indicative of the barriers to freely expressed thought
  that there are almost no worthwhile think-tanks in the Arab world) have now
  spent a year putting their experience to diagnostic use in the “Arab Human
  Development Report 2002”, published this week by the United Nations
  Development Programme (UNDP).

  With Nader Fergany, an Egyptian sociologist, as the chief author, the report
  carefully dissects and analyses the Arab world's strengths and failings. The
  strengths, alas, consume little space; the failings are what interest the
  writers. Inbuilt caution holds them back from naming too many names, but
  they explain honestly and convincingly how and why they think their world
  has gone wrong.

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