RE: Alcor and farewell.

From: S.J. Van Sickle (
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 18:49:59 MDT

>I know most of
>the money goes to keeping patients cold, but does anyone have any idea
>of their profit margins?

Alcor is a 501(C3) non-profit *cannot* make a profit.
What's more, never in its 30 year history has it even come *close* to
breaking even between expenses and membership dues and suspension
payments. It has always relied on the generocity of donors to maintain a
shoe-string operation. There is not a single person on the paid staff who
could not make considerably more money working elsewhere.

The only exception to this is the Patient Care Trust, which is adequately
funded to cover the patient care expenses. Any growth in this fund is
strictly limited to caring for the patients and hopefully their eventual

steve van sickle

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