cryonics on the cnbc news

From: spike66 (
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 20:44:28 MDT

Now this was an odd one. Brian Williams the NBC newscaster started
out spinning the sluggersicle story as a horrifying abomination. He
then went to the local correspondant at Alcor. Oddly the story
began to take a more positive spin, with doctors being introduced
that have preserved organs at low temperature. Toward the end
of the story it sounded fairly appealing. I suspect Alcor will have
its phones ringing off the hook.

One of the oddball things the daughter of Ted Williams mentioned
is that the corpses are stored head down. Why do they do that?
Couldnt they put Williams in there head up, if his moronic daughter
has a problem with it?


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