Re: CNN Crossfire transcript, Max More and Jonathan Moreno

From: Max More (
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 10:52:56 MDT

Thanks for all your comments. Some quick replies:

I *do* think that appearing on Crossfire was well worth while, even though
the eminent bioethicist turned out to resort solely to Fukuyama's "wisdom
of repugnance". By maintaining a reasonable approach myself, I will have
encouraged at least some viewers to look for more information directly
themselves. I've already had some email from people I don't know that
suggests this is the case. In addition, appearances like this can lead to
other appearances where you can communicate more of the message more

To Eliezer -- if my muffled words came towards the end of the first
segment, it's because I was suffering from the worst case of dry mouth I've
had in 20 years. Medication I'd taken before the very short warning of the
show had far more to do with drying me out than the standard mild "nerves".
I could barely get the word out until I'd found some water during the
break. This really caught me by surprise.

One liners -- the tight timing of this appearance didn't give me any time
to prepare, and of course I didn't know in what direction we would go (no
one mentioned population or boredom, which is unusual!). The idea of
collaboratively constructing a list of excellent one-line zingers for every
point that might come up on this and other major issues is an excellent one.



Max More, Ph.D. or
Strategic Philosopher
President, Extropy Institute. <>

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