Re: CNN Crossfire transcript, Max More and Jonathan Moreno

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 15:15:38 MDT

WHile I missed the program, the transcript, in my opinion, clear is a
win for Max. The only thing I think that Max missed a chance on was
demanding that Moreno answer the question "Just who is it that says that
life has to have a definite end? You, Congress, 'God'?"

Damien Broderick wrote:
> A clear win to Dr More. I wish, though, that it had been stated clearly
> that a dead person *can't* be cryonically preserved *against their prior
> expressed intentions*, nor, indeed, *without having made quite complex
> explicit pre-death arrangements to be frozen*. (At least, I understand that
> this is the position of Alcor, CI, etc.)
> I can't help noting that there's a kind of entertaining irony in the
> positive/negative opposition between
> and
> no? :)
> Damien Broderick

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