Re: STATE-OF-THE-WORLD: It makes you want to cry

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Tue Jul 02 2002 - 10:38:25 MDT

Samantha Atkins wrote:
> wrote:
> > Samantha curiously stated:
> > <</We will see how ridiculous it is when average temperature jumps
> > 20% or so. Of course by then it will be too late to do a lot
> > about it except hang on for dear life/.>>
> >
> > -Like you have never heard of carbon sequestration methods?
> > -I just purchased a Mother Jones magazine today (unread) on Windmill
> > Tech and how Bush "Doesn't Get it". Technology should be a NON-POLITICAL
> > concern.
> > -The engineering either works to suit our needs or it doesn't.
> > -Coal tech will either work to suit our needs or it won't.
> > -Nuclear Fission will either suit our needs or it won't.
> > -This shouldn't be a leftist or rightist thing
> Agreed. I don't believe it is a left-right issue. I believe it
> is a very pressing concern that is being swept under the rug too
> much to be sane. If we make it just a left-right issue we will
> totally lose the point, as usual.

If there is global warming (and not just local warming), then it is not
a left-right issue, it is a human race issue. The problem I, and others,
have with the current debate is that the solutions being proposed in the
media, the UN, etc are all heavily weighted toward expanding socialism
and statism, while solutions proposed by myself and many others which
focus on free market solutions are dismissed, laughed at, and ignored by
those in on the state power game. Thus, the solutions side is being made
into a left-right issue.

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