Re: STATE-OF-THE-WORLD: It makes you want to cry

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon Jul 01 2002 - 18:11:36 MDT wrote:
> Samantha curiously stated:
> <</We will see how ridiculous it is when average temperature jumps
> 20% or so. Of course by then it will be too late to do a lot
> about it except hang on for dear life/.>>
> -Like you have never heard of carbon sequestration methods?
> -I just purchased a Mother Jones magazine today (unread) on Windmill
> Tech and how Bush "Doesn't Get it". Technology should be a NON-POLITICAL
> concern.
> -The engineering either works to suit our needs or it doesn't.
> -Coal tech will either work to suit our needs or it won't.
> -Nuclear Fission will either suit our needs or it won't.
> -This shouldn't be a leftist or rightist thing

Agreed. I don't believe it is a left-right issue. I believe it
is a very pressing concern that is being swept under the rug too
much to be sane. If we make it just a left-right issue we will
totally lose the point, as usual.

> <<They will not see this in the short term so you get nowhere
> without government mandates to clean it up by X% by such and
> such date. Sorry, but that is the way it is.
> - samantha>>
> The way it is, IS when enough of the public demand abundent clean energy
> for a sustained amount of time, and it is technically feasible to
> produce this. Not when you or myself whine about it in a email thread.
> Thats the way it is. If its not technically feasible, tough tookie for
> the world. That is how the world seems.

Why should the public demand any such thing until it is too
late? What makes you think the governement will listen? There
are quite a few things, even in the US, where what the polls say
the people want is year after year not what the government does.
  We are not "whining" when we point out that we will be in deep
shit if we ignore this long enough and the Singularity doesn't
clean it up before it bites us. We are stating something that
is too often and too conveniently ignored. How will the public
wake up any way except by enough people pointing things out that
they can't ignore them?

We have technically feasible alternatives right now for lowering
  many of our emissions of greenhouse gases. It would cost
money to retool to use them to be sure. But the consequences
are serious enough that I believe it is time we paid these
costs. If the costs are too high then we invent better ways to
satisfy the need without risking as much of our very future as
we are now by doing nothing. Ignoring it will not make it go away.

- samantha

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