Re: Censorship

From: Ziana Astralos (
Date: Thu May 30 2002 - 16:01:17 MDT

On Thu 30 May 2002 Giu1i0 Prisc0 <> wrote:
> Suppose someone posts here a messages in favor of racism, violence, ...
> (everyone can do that). Suppose someone (maybe the same) forwards the
> message to another person or list (everyone can do that). The final
> recipient would see something like: from: - subject:
> (a racist line) - body: (a racist text). The immediate impression on the
> final recipient is that the racist line and text are statements of the
> extropians list as an entity.
> ...

You do have a point there, but one bit of clarification: the From remains as
representing the original person who sent the message to the list. Only the To
(of course) and Reply-to (so that replies are sent to the list, common setup
for any email lists) items would mention the address.
Such as this:

Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 08:09:45 +0200
From: Giu1i0 Prisc0 <>
Subject: Re: Censorship

And if there is any doubt as to whether the statements expressed in a message
to the extropians list represent "the extropians list as an entity", the
archives are publicly accessible ( ), and the
fourth paragraph of the List Guidelines ( automatically sent to people when
they first subscribe, and now also available on the Extropy Institute website
at ) states:

"Please be aware that the content of the extropians list does not automatically
reflect the philosophy of Extropianism itself. As with most mailing lists, it
reflects opinions on various subjects and the posts therein should not be
viewed as official endorsements of Extropy Institute or vice versa."

The Extropian Principles, which *do* 'reflect the philosophy of Extropianism
itself', are available at the ExI site and are mirrored at many other websites.
Anyone willing to invest a minimum amount of time in further looking into a
rascist statement claiming to represent Extropian views would be able to easily
determine that it does not. We can't possibly control everything anyone decides
to stick the 'extropian' name on, but if someone is willing to believe anything
they read without investing a few minutes in verifying the accuracy or
inaccuracy of it, that's their (albiet unfortunate) choice to be misinformed--
all we can do is provide accurate information for those who do make an attempt
at being accurately informed.

Ziana Astralos  -  -
GCS/MC/IT/L/O d- s-:- a? C++++ W+++ K++ UL w+ M-- PS+++ PE Y+ DI++++

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