Re: How Dr. Gregory Stock did on the Art Bell show...

From: Malcolm Morris (
Date: Wed May 22 2002 - 23:15:14 MDT

I'm not sure whether of Dr Stock's
> His comment, "there are differences in individuals and in populations so we must get used to it" really shocked me. I could imagine some people taking offense at him including entire populations into his statement!

Which bit was shocking to you? That there *are* differences in populations, or that someone breaks the 'rules' and refers to them in public?

> I could tell Dr. Stock is to an extent quite the patriot. He talked of the American character or 'constitution' and how it is in our very nature to want to strive, explore and successfully compete. "Americans will want to shape the future and not watch others do so without them."

So as long as one population is 'Citizens of the USA' and you're being complimentary about them its OK to differentiate between populations after all?

Or is it because he's talking about nebulous things like a 'national character' (rather than say physical or mental abilities) that its ok to differentiate one population from others?


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