Re: CTHD: Truth in Labelling Campaign

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sat May 04 2002 - 18:43:12 MDT

Mike Linksvayer wrote:
> On Sat, 2002-05-04 at 12:06, Mikko Rauhala wrote:
> > On Sat, 2002-05-04 at 15:27, Mike Lorrey wrote:
> > > Furthermore, while the luddites have already stooped to bombing
> > > and murder (The Unabomber Ted Kazinski), the CTHD will not engage in
> > > such practices unless we are specifically targeted by such tactics.
> >
> > Is it just me, or does this strike anyone else as not very comforting?
> You bet. Very unfortunate organization name, I don't want the word
> "transhuman" associated with the above sentiment. More accurate/less
> damaging labels for Lorrey's organization:
> Anti-Luddite Front
> Enemies of Ludd
> Technology First!

WHile I understand that there are many in europe who don't recognise
that the individual human has a right to defend themselves with
appropriate force, we in the US do, and we'd appreciate it if
know-it-all europeans stopped shoulding all over us.

Moreover, I, and others here, got no say in a group of
anti-individualism socialists forming a group calling themselves a world
transhumanist group, so when it comes to wants of individuals, I didn't
draw first blood.

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