Re: a little case of the shakes

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sat Apr 20 2002 - 14:57:39 MDT

Vanessa Novaeris wrote:
> I wanted to catch up on reading what I missed before I posted anything (I
> have been sick & traveling for almost 3 weeks) but this seems a little odd:
> There was a small earthquake this morning - I heard 5.1 - just a couple
> hours ago. This may not be strange for all you on the west coast, but I live
> in northwestern Massachusetts.
> I couldn't find anything in the news about it yet since (ugh) I just woke up
> & I live near the middle-of-nowhere-StevenKing-like part of New England.
> So there was this little earthquake, or so I heard - I slept through it.
> *sigh* I always miss all the good stuff.
> oh well, it couldn't have been that spectacular if it didn't even wake me up

Yeah, it was centered up near Plattburg, NY and was felt all the way to
Virginia. I felt it this morning. Felt like a combination of a crowd of
people moshing on the roof and a jet flying directly overhead. This is
the strongest quake in this region since a high-5 to low 6 quake back in
the 80's, though there have been occasional lesser tremors. Nothing
spectacular compared to the west coast, but a nice wake up call.

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