RE: Illegal evidence, was grim prospects

From: Smigrodzki, Rafal (
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 20:57:01 MDT

Samantha Atkins [] wrote:

Protecting you and I from the State rummaging through our
property and removing any and all privacy whenever the bloody
well feel like it is NOT a "technicality"!

### Down with privacy! Long live accountability!


 Criminals are
not the only jeopardy to our security. Government intrusion is
a larger jeopardy and much more difficult to defend against.

### Government is not a danger if a thousand cameras track every cop. Same
applies to criminals. Insistence on "privacy" strengthens both the
government (contrary to what you seem to believe), and the criminals, to the
loss of us, the nice people.


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