Re: SOC/ECON: Critique of the anti-globalists

From: Linda B (
Date: Thu Jun 28 2001 - 01:17:18 MDT

On 27 Jun 2001, at 11:46, Brian D Williams wrote:

> >From: "Robert J. Bradbury" <>
> >I particularly liked:
> >>Many voters are rationally ignorant about the issues confronting
> >>them, because the return on acquiring the knowledge is so small.
> >>The interesting question is not why do people fail to vote, but
> >>why *do* they vote, given the tiny probability that they will
> >>affect the outcome.
> >I'd emphasize this. For example, my recent commentary on why
> >I'm against GMO food labels. If the anti-GMO individuals
> >actually *did* acquire sufficient molecular biology and medical
> >knowledge to *really* evaluate the labels, their ROI would
> >be *negative* because they would have to give up their cherished
> >ideas that "natural" is better!
> All GMO is not the same, "golden" rice is a completely different
> thing from "RoundUp" corn for example.
> Those of us who abhor paternalism will continue to insist:
> Label it or ban it.

Thank you for putting it so succinctly.

Linda B

> Brian
> Member:
> Extropy Institute,
> National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
> SBC/Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W

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