Cloning, stem cell foes worry biotech

From: Amara D. Angelica (
Date: Wed Jun 27 2001 - 12:49:02 MDT

Cloning, stem cell foes worry biotech
UPI, June 28, 2001

Participants in BIO 2001 in San Diego are concerned about the right-to-life
movement's opposition to the use of embryo stem cells.

They are also concerned and about fears in Washington about the possible
cloning of humans. These fears may stop the use of stem cells in research in
regenerative medicine for repairing damage caused by disease, stroke, injury
and even the ravages of time.

"We are having a very difficult time explaining the difference between
reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning," said Michael J. Werner,
director of federal government relations for the Biotechnology Industry
Organization. Both processes use somatic cell nuclear transfer while doing

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